“Today a new madness has arrived.” Rumi

Whenever Auguste, Margaret and I get together something happens. Something beautiful. Over the years, we worked together on a fabulous array of projects: I wrote a play and Auguste designed the sets; we began a literary magazine, and Margaret did the design and production, adorned by many of Auguste’s gorgeous drawings and some of my poems (among many other artists and poets, of course!). Years ago, Auguste came to sketch the guests at the murder mystery plays I wrote, did the designs for my company logo, and joined in our poetry workshop. In short, whenever we came together, combustion happened, and our love-child was something beautiful.

Then the thought arose -- why not combine our talents and make some wonderful things for the world? Auguste would draw, Margaret would design and produce, and I would take care of the literary end... And so Divine Madness Designs was born. We would create things that were beautiful, divinely inspired, and out of the ordinary. The “divine” and the “designs” would be our balance, and the “madness” would take us to a new place, surprising and a little askew. Please stay tuned as we tell you the story and show you the pictures of our evolution and share the fun, friendship and inspiration of Divine Madness Designs with you!

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